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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fun Day With Muffin Tin Mom - Pick On Us

The awesome day I spent with Michelle (Muffin Tin Mom) was actually a two parter. After we had those delicious cupcakes (see post here) we headed over to a spot she has blogged about before... Pick On Us. They are an online catering supply company but more than that everything is made from bamboo! Since they are an online shop we decided to pop in in the hopes they would let us shop...and they did!

It was a wonderland of colors and designs. Picks with stars, hearts, diamonds, Christmas tree's, sports theme, ect...so many different styles to choose from. All I could think of was the wonderful possibility for my bentos and Muffin Tin Mondays. M ohhh'd and ahhh'd over all the colors and had a blast throwing bags of picks into my basket, she was a great helper.

The prices at Pick On Us are very reasonable. Depending on the pick you can get 50 for $2.50 or $5.00 for the more specialty ones. They have some packages of 100 picks for $5.00, what a deal!!

After our shopping spree we went back to Michelle's and like kids on Halloween we laid out all our picks on the dinning room table and started trading...lol It was awesome! So what did I walk away with?

Bamboo tasting cups and boats.....

Dozens of each of these picks....

These accents are acrylic beads and are so fab!

Plus the football picks that were used in yesterday's Football themed Muffin Tin Monday was from Pick On Us. Those football ones had just come in and are not even on the website yet. So yay for being the first to purchase the new items and show them off to you!


Amanda said... 1

Squee! I wish I had a shop like that here in Virginia!

TheMoellerPad said... 2

Im with you on that Amanda.. Its hard to find stuff here.

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said... 3

You can order online from them ladies just go to PickOnUs.com!!!!

Susan Yuen said... 4

Oh my gosh, I am soooo glad that there is not a store like that here. It would be too big of a temptation for me and I would end up buying every single pick there is! :)


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