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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fun Day With Muffin Tin Mom - Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen

Today has been an awesome day. After walking C to school M and I hopped in the Mustang and drove up to Vista to visit our girl Muffin Tin Mom (Michelle). It is always an amazing time when we get together and I cherish the time we spend just hanging out with a cup of java. I saw on her Facebook the day before a post about this new cupcake shop called Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen that just opened by her house. As one whom is always searching for the next mind blowing cupcake I was so down.

First before diving into the amazing world of delicious cupcakes I have to talk about the decor. Loving it! It was like walking into my future home.  Clean and sleek with touches of whimsy and shabby chic or country chic. The wainscoting and the simple frames on the wall made it feel very homey and inviting. It was defiantly not over decorated and I loved that.

On the menu today was Chocolate, Vanilla, Triple Dark Chocolate, Pina Colada, Pancake and Bacon, Boston Cream and Red Velvet.  All cupcakes are made in the store fresh daily and they use their signature Italian Buttercream. It is quite spectacular. All of them looked delish how could we ever choose? Well M made it easy being she is a chocolate freak so Triple Dark Chocolate for her and I can never pass up a Boston Cream!

Delicious inside of my Boston Cream

Michelle was the brave one and went for the Pancakes and Bacon. Sounds weird I know but think of it...the sweet with the salty, plus bacon makes everything better right? It was amazing!

Michelle's first bit of the Pancake and Bacon Cupcake

I even decided that daddy and C deserved an amazing Friday treat so I bought the Pancake and Bacon for daddy and a simple Vanilla for C.

We had an amazing time at Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen. Thank you to Don and the staff for letting us take pictures to share with all you lovely's.

Michelle and M


Be Brave, Keep Going said... 1

I had so much fun with you! You are a great friend and I love spending time with (and eating cupcakes with) you!

Veronica Lee said... 2

Love the pics, Steph. The cupcakes look yummy!! So glad you had fun!!

Have a blessed Sunday!

Katie said... 3

Looks super fun and of course I wish I could've been there with you! But seriously Pancake and Bacon?! Was that really actually good? Well I'm guessing so since you took one home for the hubster but I would really have to think a moment before biting in!

TheMoellerPad said... 4

This place looks amazing! I want to move to Cali..lol you have all the cool stuff over there :)


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