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Friday, September 24, 2010

Designs by Janessa Review

The most amazing thing in the world to me is my girls. To see them growing, learning, exploring and becoming little ladies is a miracle and a blessing everyday. I wish I could cover myself in memories or trinkets of them 24/7.  However I do not have the personality to wear tees with ginormous (it's a word) pictures of my girls faces on them with the matching hat and tote so I am always on the lookout for a more subtle way to keep them close to me even when their not.

I have the wonderful opportunity to review for a local stay at home mom. Her name is Janessa of Designs by Janessa and she along with her work are both lovely. As a previous High School science teacher Janessa signed up for an art class in PMC (precious metal clay). Her goal was to create a charm she could wear with her sons name on it. Janessa realized other moms like myself wanted the same thing and she started experimenting with fingerprint charms and that is how Designs by Janessa was born.

I was blown away at the thought of having my daughters finger prints around my neck and close to my heart always. While looking around at Janessa's website I realized it's not just necklaces but so much more. From charm bracelets perfect for grandma to dog tags, key chains and even cufflinks for dad. For you peeps with fur babies you can even get your dogs paw print or noise print! She truly has something for everyone.

The process was so simple. She sent me two different compounds with instructions and a return self addressed envelope. You take a pea size ball of each compound, kneed them together (quickly), form into a ball and press your child's finger into the putty.

C's finger print in progress..

M's turn..

I decided to do the girls thumbs, not sure why exactly. You can choose which ever finger to do I just thought the thumb would turn out better. It was very simple but I do stress that once you mix the two compounds you need to move quickly for the print because it does dry wicked fast. Luckily Janessa gives you plenty of the compounds so if you mess up the first one (or two) you still have enough to work with. After you are happy with the prints you made you slip them inside the provided plastic bags and ship them back to her. Simple right? And a very short time later you will be as excited as I was when I got another envelope in the mail!

I became very teary upon opening my package. Are they not just the sweetest things you have ever seen? That's my girls, right there. Those small little disks...it's amazing to say the least. On the back of each one Janessa engraved their names so I would know who's print belongs to whom. I just love them so much.

They are small enough to not look heavy and in your face and yet so unique that you see people doing a double take when they see me wearing them. I had a few mommies at my daughters school asking about them already and my girl Michelle (Muffin Tin Mom) saw them in person and thought they were fabulous.

If you are looking for something truly unique for yourself or a family member check out Designs by Janessa and be blown away by the care and craftsmanship she puts into each print. Are you on Facebook? Stop by and became a Fan of Designs by Janessa on FB!

Disclaimer: I was contacted via email by a Janessa or Designs by Janessa and received the above mentioned product to review. Any and all opinions expressed are mine and mine alone and are unbiased.


***Sharon*** said... 1

LOOOOOOOOVE. Love. Love. LOVE. Going to check out her site right now!

momof2 said... 2

Those are so sweet! ... and they look very stylish too! I like them.

Kelly Polizzi said... 3

oh that is such a neat idea and it looks great on you too! I want one!


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