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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Sunday Night Football

Another awesome week of Muffin Tin Monday is upon us. Today we decided to do "football" since it is Sunday and that is what we have been watching all day (thank god Dallas finally won one).

The girls have a football shaped turkey sami with cheese detail, goldfish pretzels, apple/caramel cake from the Whole Foods bakery (it's amazing), yellow carrots, salami and cheese on a football skewer, and small apple picked by us on Saturday (we went apple picking in Julian).

The ultra cool picks in the tins with week are from Pick On Us in Vista. Muffin Tin Mom and I went shopping after our yummy cupcake tasting. A post will follow soon about all the awesome stuff we bought!

To see more awesome Muffin Tin Monday's stop by Muffin Tin Mom, the home of MTM!!

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Veronica Lee said... 1

The football ones are sooooo cute!!

Happy Monday, Steph!

TheMoellerPad said... 2

OMGoodness I LOVE This... I am borrowing this idea for next sunday... but where did you get the picks!!

TheMoellerPad said... 3

PS... LOVE the music.. I randomly come to your page just for the tunes thanks girl!

Anonymous said... 4

such a great idea!! very cute footballs!

Shannon said... 5

Oh, I seriously love this! I need to make one for Ben like that (can't wait to sign him up for football next year, I think I'm becoming a real Texan after all, I want to see my little guy out on the field in pads and a helmet throwing a football).

Island Mom said... 6

Very cute! The sandwiches would go over very well with Island Boy. I'll have to tuck that one away for future MTM's.

Anonymous said... 7

This is such fun! We spent a lot of time Saturday afternoon watching football. I needed a meal like this have while watching the game.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said... 8

Great fun! I have an old Dallas sweatshirt from college ;-)

LitLass said... 9

I'm not a football fan, but that is an awesome tin!

lisa9999 said... 10

Great tin. My boys would love this.

Anonymous said... 11

I'd say you made a touchdown! Great lunch.

Jenny said... 12

I've never watched a football game on television, but I always see football crafts, etc. that look so cute I want a reason to make them. Just like this cute muffin tin. Fun!


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