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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall Tree and Daddy's Last Bento

C's Lunch

Tree shaped PB&J with fall leaf sprinkles, cheddar bunnies, grapes,
tomatoes and cauliflower.

Daddy Bento

Daddy's dino ended up with a broken leg but I was told he was still tasty..lol Cheddar bunnies, carrots, grapes and a mini muffin round out his lunch today.

Sadly today is the last day (for now) of the Daddy Bento's. Hubbz needs to lose a few pounds before his CFT (Combat Fitness Test), so he's hitting the Slim Fast. He did say that if I wanted to melt down his Slim Fast bars and mold them into fun shapes I could do that....lol  He's so silly!

Linking todays post with What's For Lunch Weds!! Stop by to see other awesome lunches made for kids by mommies.


Happy Little Bento said... 1

Cute sprinkles and dino!

Lia Chen said... 2

Colorful sprinkles, sweets! I bet the sprinkles gone first hehehe :)

Jaime Leigh said... 3

These are so awesome in everyway....I think I should make my lunch more fun like this!!!

Kids Dream Work said... 4

Love the colourful bento with fall leaf sprinkles!

Carma Sez said... 5

that mini muffin is either super-mini or those are huge grapes!!!

Sonoma Bento said... 6

Slimfast bentos! Ha ha! Right on, that would be hilarious.

1Kathleen said... 7

omygosh - a slim fast meal bar has 200 calories and more than 25% of those are from fat - you could put together a healthy bento with that many calories and he'd eat way more food.

House Of Aqua said... 8

More great ideas once again! Thanks!

My Mad World said... 9

How creative!! How do you come up with all the cute things you do!?! =)

In The Kitchen With AUdrey said... 10

Maybe I should start packing lunches for my man as well. He thinks it is cute what I pack for the girls. Your lunches are so cute.


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