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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Congratulations MGySgt Now It is Time To PCS - USMC - E9

Once again our family has had many changes happen over the past few months. The biggest of the year is that hubby pinned on Master Gunnery Sergeant earlier this month! I am so proud of him. Almost 24 years in the United States Marine Corps what a wonderful way for him to end his career. The man is old school Marine Corps. Works hard, always watches out for the welfare of his Marines and will do anything to help them succeed in their own careers.

His Unit held a great ceremony for him on drill weekend and his LtCol flew in from CA so he could be the one to pin him.

LtCol did some research and found that 0.4% of Marines actually make it to the rank of E9 and even fewer actually go the route of MGySgt. Wow!

The girls did a great job video recording the whole ceremony....

Hubby giving one of his "unique" motivation speeches..."as your carrier progress through this Wyoming Valley of the shadow of the death, have no fear, for you occupy this valley and the shadow is yours. OORAH"

Two weeks after this day the true chaos started. The packers came to our house, the movers followed behind and we PCS'd from our home of three years in PA to a new home and duty station in NJ!! That's right we are already gone. We are on day 3 in our new home and it is starting to settle down. I still have a lot to organize and the girls start their new school next week. This will be our final adventure as hubby is at the top of his career. Two short years and we will be moving once again but it will be to our forever home. Can't wait!


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