One of the worst mommy problems I deal with are tummy issues. When your child comes to you saying they are nauseous or that their tummy hurts sometimes you feel helpless. It's not a cut or scrape you can see and easily make better with a band-aid and a kiss. You start asking the questions..."what did you eat last?", "where exactly does it hurt?", "did you poop today?". In my house helpful answers to this situation are rare and usually ends in the shoulder shrug and "I don't know". As a parent I feel awful when this situation arises, that was until I was introduced to Mommys Bliss Kids Upset Tummy & Nausea Relief.
Mommy Bliss also is the maker of the #1 selling product Gripe Water. Always naturally sugar free, no alcohol, harsh chemicals or parabens. No artificial flavors or colors and no dairy, gluten or soy. As a mom who believes in eating clean and buying organic it is nice to know if you have to use a OTC product there are companies out there like Mommys Bliss.
Just the other day my youngest came to me saying she was nauseous and her tummy hurt. Is it sad that I was a little excited for her discomfort because then I could have her try the Mommys Bliss Kids? If this worked, it would be a god send for my family. So I took one of the single dose packets out of the box, ripped off the top and let her drink it right out of the package. Literally within less than 15 minutes she was feeling so much better, hooray!
Mommys Bliss Kids Upset Tummy & Nausea Relief is a natural herbal supplement used to help ease the occasional stomach discomfort associated with nausea, motion sickness, indigestion and gas. Made with natural ingredients including organic ginger, fennel, dill and peppermint extracts and is 100% vegetarian & vegan.
Mommys Bliss is a family owned company and was founded by a mom of three who is also a registered nurse, lactation consultant and midwife. Her dedication to her family and their health inspired her to create products that are safe, effective and affordable.
I can honestly say Mommys Bliss Kids Upset Tummy & Nausea Relief will forever be a staple in our home not only for my girls but I can use it too! With my gastric ulcer and IBS issues, I could surely use a more natural solution and hopefully cut down on the prescription meds I take. Mommys Bliss Kids Upset Tummy & Nausea Relief can be bought via their website or out in town at your local Walmart, Whole Foods, Walgreens, CVS and Rite Aid. You can also find Mommys Bliss on your favorite social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
Disclaimer: I was contacted via email to write a review. I received the previously mentioned product free of charge to review. I received no monitory compensation. All comments and opinions expressed are mine and mine alone and are unbiased.
I love that it is made with natural ingredients. I have IBS issues too. Thanks for sharing this, Steph.
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