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Friday, October 21, 2011

Out My Bathroom Window {2}

Clouds rolling in before the sunrise. If you look to the lower right (between the two foreground trees) you'll see the neighborhood deer. I didn't even realize they were there until after I processed the shot.

I realized today while once again shooting the sunrise out my bathroom window that I may have something here. I seem to find my self often shooting from this window. Maybe because it looks out over the forest, maybe because the sunrises so perfectly there, or because it is the only window without a screen so I can just open and shoot with no limitations.

10 minutes later the sun starts to rise..

The wind is moving the clouds quickly across the sky, a storm is coming.

I think I am going to start a new series here on APFOB called........wait for it......."Out My Bathroom Window". Genius right..lol There will not be any specific day, just when I catch something I want to share.

First wave of clouds gone, second set rolling in.

Looking at this series of pictures from today made me realize how bare my trees are compared to my original OMBW post back in Sept. I think this is going to be fun and I hope you enjoy seeing what is out my bathroom window. So, what is outside yours?

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said... 1

Beautiful sequence. Lovely to have a bathroom window, especially one with a view like this.

Veronica Lee said... 2


My bathroom window faces my neighbour's bathroom window!! LOL! I always keep mine shut for obvious reasons!!

FYH said... 3

That's some bathroom view! Awesome shots...

Pat said... 4

Thanks for the view...my bathroom only has those "block of ice" looking windows and we only get light not a view.

Anonymous said... 5

What an amazing view! I love the clouds.

amy (fearless homemaker) said... 6

gorgeous pics, per usual! out my bedroom window right now is a lovely cloudless sky + a hydrangea bush. not too shabby! =)

amy (fearless homemaker) said... 7

gorgeous pics, per usual! out my bedroom window right now is a lovely cloudless sky + a hydrangea bush. not too shabby! =)

A Creative Grace said... 8

that is a great view :) we have a field of sheep out of ours! Lovely images, all.

hannah said... 9

Terrific sky pictures. The second and third ones are really magical.You ought to enter them in skywatch.
[a muted palette]

shirley said... 10

I love the view from your bathroom window!! Great skies.

Serendipityissweet said... 11

That is a gorgeous view! Great photos!!

TriGirl said... 12

Stopping by from Weekend Wander. What an amazing view! Great photos :) Hope you have a great weekend.

Icy BC said... 13

You have the best view of the window. Gorgeous sky photos.

Unknown said... 14

Very nice view. Love the rolling hills and all that green grass! Stopping by from the blog hop (although late) and following you thru GFC and Facebook. I would love a follow back when you get the chance. Thanks so much for your help and have a great week!



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