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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jack O Lantern Bentos

Packed in our Easy Lunchboxes is a sami with sugar decoration, mini club crackers, tomatoes or carrots,
Jack O Lantern Clementine, and choco covered pretzels.

It was another mad dash yesterday morning to pack lunch. First, we woke up later then usual which always makes me sweat. C had her school pictures and wanted to look perfect, but it was 40 degrees out and trying to explain why she had to wear the thick tights with her dress was a chore. M also had school but instead of the usual afternoon time, they were visiting the Fire House which meant she not only had to wear her school shirt (which I couldn't find right away), but that she had morning class that day. Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Trying to get 2 girls up cleaned, feed, clothed and back packs packed to walk out the door in an hour is insane. It wouldn't nearly be as bad if they actually felt like cooperating with me, but yesterday was not that day. Everything was full on drama like it was the end of the world. I can only imagine what will it be like when they hit the tweens. I have a feeling mama's going to need a little pill to keep from going bonkers...lol

Speaking of "Bonkers", does anyone remember the candy from the 80's. It was one of my favorites...wonder whatever happened to it?


Nancy said... 1

Adorable lunches! I always enjoy seeing what Lisa @ Two Bears Farm makes for her little ones, too. :)

I think Bonkers were after my time -- I was more a Laffy Taffy and Necco Wafers kinda kid.

Have a great weekend, Steph.

amy (fearless homemaker) said... 2

just adorable! love the halloween themes in the bentos lately. =)

ambrosia said... 3

I am seriously in love with your bento boxes! My kids would love for you to visit for a few days!

Serendipityissweet said... 4

Those lunches are so cute!
I feel for you on the morning duty. I have 4 kiddos to pack up but only 3 days a week for our homeschool PE. The other days I'm thankful not to have to rush them out of the house.

I loved Bonkers too!

Have a super weekend ;)

Katherines Corner said... 5

Cute lunches! Bonkers? Hmmm, I think my daughter used to like those. Sending hugs your way and wishes for a beautiful day ahead xo

FYH said... 6

Never seen such a fun lunch-box...love it!

Veronica Lee said... 7

Another adorable bento, Steph!

Karen (nybird) (KMello) said... 8

How wonderful.... All these look so appealing. I had never heard the term Bentos before seeing them here! I wish mothers that purchase "lunchables" and "snackables" could see these and all other wonderful lunches I have seen while exploring Bentos today!


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