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***NOTICE: Please bare with me while I reload ALL the images that was deleted in a Blogger/Google+ fiasco. All images from the past 3 years have been deleted and it will take me awhile to reload everything and get my blog back to it's original state. Thank you for your patience! ***

Monday, January 3, 2011

My 365 Project

My 360 Project

Yesterday morning while visiting some blogging peeps I haven't check in on in awhile I came across Jessy of Superlative Sewing and her post about The 360 Project. I had heard of this before over the years in other blogs and have thought briefly about it but never (like many other things) got around to it. However after being inspired by her post I decided that this would be a great way to start 2011.

So I popped over to The 365 Project website and signed up. As soon as I signed up I started browsing the other members pictures and felt my heart pounding. There are so many beautiful, and awe inspiring pictures by talented people all over the world. I can not wait to see how I progress as a "photographer" because I have been inspired by so many.

If your interested in joining me..come on over! Otherwise feel free to click on my button and follow my daily journey. My goals are to not double post the pictures on my blog and in my 365 album (however my first 2 pictures broke that rule...lol) and to step outside of my comfortable area of town, go explore the beautiful city I live in, take amazing pictures and have a blast doing it!


Semper Fi Momma said... 1

I love this idea. I look forward to seeing all of the pics that you post through the year. :)

Dee said... 2

I look forward to seeing your pics! I'm doing this for myself and didn't join the group(just posting the pics on my blog). I'm not a photographer, I just want to pick up the camera more! :)

Katie said... 3

I am a repeat drop out of this program, but I am planning to try again this year. Maybe with you doing it too I'll be more motivated to keep up with it!


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