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Monday, January 3, 2011

Egg Nog Butter Mochi - Finally!

This mochi recipe from Deb at Hapa Bento almost did not happen...several times. When I first saw this recipe I really wanted to make it for Christmas with my family here, but when I went to make it I realized I forgot to buy a can of evaporated milk..crap! So I put it off until New Years Eve and thought it wold be fun to make  along with all the other yummy's we made that night. However with all the other cooking/baking and drinking going on it got pushed aside...double crap!

So here I was the 2nd day of 2011 and still had the mochi on my mind. I am going to make this today even if it kills me I thought to myself. So I went to the pantry and started gathering my ingredients. I quickly realized that what I thought was a can of evaporated milk I had finally bought was really condensed milk...are you f*ing kidding me right now!!

Feeling very defeated and a little hormonal I actually started to get teary eyed. My super loving hubby looked at me in my jammies and tosseled not yet brushed hair and said "would you like me to go to the store for you?" Like a child with my lower lip puckered out feeling sorry for myself I said "yes please".

So off to the store, he quickly returned with my OMG...evaporated milk! Good thing one of us can read...lol I was a happy camper now. I start to pull all my dry ingredients together when I realized once again something was a miss. Really!?!?! The box of Mochiko (sweet rice flour) I bought only had 3 cups of flour in it, and I needed 4. Hearing my outburst of disbelief hubby came into the kitchen once again and asked, "would you like me to go back to the store?" Even though I really wanted him to, I said "no thank you".

"No" I said with vengeance to myself, "I am going to make this thing work". I went to the pantry and grabbed my bag of shifted white flour and substituted the last remaining missing cup. One cup couldn't hurt right?

So I followed the rest of Deb's instructions, pured my batter into the 9x13 and waited to see the results.

The results were delicious and finally I had made it! For awhile there I started to feel like this mochi was going to be my arch nemesis...lol Now since I have never made a butter mochi before I of course would have no idea if the cup of regular flour made a difference but I didn't care, it was amazing and the egg nog and nutmeg flavors really came through.

Thanks Deb for another awesome recipe!


Happy Little Bento said... 1

Congrats Steph! It looks positively wonderful. And I bet it tasted even more delicious considering all the time and effort that went into making this batch a reality! Yummy :)

Semper Fi Momma said... 2

This sounds, and LOOKS fabulous. I'm definitely going to make this :)

Kids Dream Work said... 3

It look so YUMMY!! Will put this in my list :)

Veronica Lee said... 4

Looks YUMMY, Steph!

Bento Cat said... 5

Oooo this looks so wickedly good Steph!! and I have just started following you because of this post!

Anonymous said... 6

These two posts made me HUNGRY, lol. Look delish. :)


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