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Monday, January 24, 2011

Monster Truck Bento & More

 If C had her own Monster Truck I know it would have hearts all over it. 
So that is just what I did for her lunch today. PB&J sami with a cheesy monster truck, 
baby carrots, peanut mix and crackers with cheese.

This past Saturday we took the girls to their first Monster Jam. We figured they would like it since they had so much fun at the demolition derby at the County Fair last summer. We had a blast! During the Pit Party before the main event there were 4 very funny and talented performers known as the "Stunt Double Circus". They rocked! Kept us laughing with their cheesy mustaches, amazed us by their hand to hand strength and wowed the crowd with the high flying pogo stunts. They have a very impressive well rounded performance that keeps you wanting to see more. I for one could have sat there forever and watched them. I just wish I would have sat somewhere different. While I loved our front row view of the show, as you see by the pics I was right in front of the big stadium lights so most of the pictures are harsh. I hope to get the chance to see them again before we leave Cali and I encourage all my SoCal lovelys to look them up and keep an eye out for their next local performances. You can find them on the Web, Facebook and Twitter.

For the main event...Monster Jam! Even though I asked the girls would not pick a favorite truck to scream for...so we screamed for them all...lol Here is just a few. I took 1500 pictures (yikes) but was able to dwindle it down to 450 after all was said and done.

Inside Qualcomm Stadium at dusk

Spike before....

Spike after his run.


Semper Fi Momma said... 1

AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!!! I would totally love to buy some of those pictures from you. Devil Pup loves Monster Trucks, (have you seen the monster truck cake I made him for his 3rd bday?) and I would love to print some of these for his room.
Great pictures & a perfect bento to celebrate them. Great job!

Angeleyes said... 2

Interesting event!!!
I'm sure my son would love to see those monster trucks!

Love your bento too!

Did you cut it freehand???

One with many names said... 3

Awesome, looks like a lot of fun and love the cheesy decor on the sandwich :)

Carma Sez said... 4

I bet they had a blast!! We went to one of these 8 years ago when my son was 7 - had to stay for autographs of Goldberg and Gravedigger of course. Great Bento inspiration!!

Veronica Lee said... 5

OMG!!! Hubby and the boys would soooo totally love this.

Happy Wednesday, Steph!

Denise said... 6

Ok that sandwich is too cute. I'm going to have to step up the kids lunches now.


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