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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Foggy Morning {photography}

"Sit in reverie and watch the changing color of the waves
that break upon the idle seashore of the mind."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Ni Hao Yall


Unknown said... 1

How lovely and perfect uplifting quote too!

Unknown said... 2

I can almost smell the water. Lovely shot!

Joules said... 3

Something about the flag and the fog lend a patriotic feel. Just a lovely shot. And your quote has me all dreamy. And dreamy to be able to have time to dream:)

DawnS said... 4

We had a morning just like that yesterday. It looks so peaceful!

Stephani Cochran said... 5

I love the edit of this photo with the American flag in color!

Veronica Lee said... 6

Beautiful pic and quote, Steph!

ARK said... 7

ahhh...if only there were more time to do this...I would be a happier camper...


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