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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Show {Off} Your Shot - Twirly Girl

And Then She Snapped hosts a "show off your shot" where you post a photo your shot and how you processed it. Perfect for the novice photographer like me because you can learn so much from other's.

This shot is of M, she just got a new dress and was taking it for a twirl. For this shot I decided to play with a processing effect I hadn't before called Orton-ish via Picnik. Then while in Picnik I played with the contrast and saturation until I liked what I saw. This just proves you do not have to buy the expensive programs when your just learning and starting out in order to get the cool effects. Granted I do own those type of programs but it's nice to know there are free alternatives out there if you need them.

and then, she {snapped}


Veronica Lee said... 1

Such an adorable capture of M! I can't believe it's taken by a 'novice' photographer!! You're a pro to me!!

Have a nice day, sweetie!

Unknown said... 2

I love this shot! Very fun! :0)

Carma Sez said... 3

I've never tried Picnik - is it easier to use than photoshop?? Photoshop drives me NUTS at times...


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