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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bento Come Back To Me, You Are Not Forgotten

It has been awhile since I have made a bento..sad I know. With the holidays, family and C still being off school for another week and a half I feel like I have lost my bento mojo. I will admit I have been putting my creativity and inspiration into another venture. I posted earlier about my 365 project and I have been having a blast learning from the other members and exploring more features of my camera. Plus I just learned about HDR (High Dynamic Range) and found an awesome website that explained it to me..Stuck In Customs. He has amazing pictures and is so inspiring.

So I decided to try out the HDR technique and the Photomatrix program he recommended. Last night while sitting on my couch I shot pics of Sookie sleeping, downloaded my bracket pictures to Photomatrix and WOW.......

I snapped these today and was so excited to get started on them! Yes, I love this program, yes I love my camera.

Bento is still a love of mine...along with cooking and now photography and as soon as C starts back to school I can get my bento mojo back, but until then I am working on my other two loves :)


Be Brave, Keep Going said... 1

wooooooow! I just love the one of sookie! well, I love them all, but the one of sookie is so warm and cozy, it really conveys so much!

Veronica Lee said... 2

They are all awesome!! You're so talented, Steph!! First it was the sewing, then the bentos and now the photographs!!! WOW!

Steffi said... 3

Great photos!I like your first photo of your kids!

Lia Chen said... 4

Happy New Year Steph! Love the HDR technique for your pictures. They are awesome! Keep shooting and share the picture with us please (^∇^)


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