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***NOTICE: Please bare with me while I reload ALL the images that was deleted in a Blogger/Google+ fiasco. All images from the past 3 years have been deleted and it will take me awhile to reload everything and get my blog back to it's original state. Thank you for your patience! ***

Saturday, January 29, 2011

We Have The List! How Sweet It ISN"T

Thanks to Won we have the list back. She had saved it (smart lady) and now we can all support each other in the way it was supposed to be. I wish I could giveaway away a $1000 cash...shoot I wish I had $1000 cash...lol but I can not. What I can do is post this list so we can have a little fun following and meeting other awesome bloggers! Who's with me? p.s. The numbers are off because I deleted my links and of course Gina's. Since we have the list I will deleting the previous Linky post.

Thanks to Bree from Blogmania for the button, very creative. Just a side note:  Bree and Blogmania are NOT associated with GinaParker. Bree has worked very hard since taking the site over, there was a lot of things Gina did wrong and Bree had a ton of fires to put out and has worked very hard to get the Blogmania to be respected again. If you have any questions please see her post "Clearing Blogmania's Name", and of course you can contact her as well and ask whatever questions you like.

4.Saving with Brandi

7.Shopping for Savings8.@LMC502
9.Shopping for Savings10.Being Tazim
11.@beingtazim12.Being Tazim
13.Health, Beauty, Children and Family14.@stayingyounger2
15.Health, Beauty, Children & Family16.Shining 2 Save
17.@shining2save18.Kimberly Gauthier Photography - the blog
19.@KG_Photography20.Kimberly Gauthier
21.Infusion Design Studios22.Infusion Design
23.@jeford2024.Shady Lady
25.@thshadylady26.Deb Anderson
27.A Nation of Moms28.A Nation of Moms
29.@anationofmoms30.Sprinkle Of FUN.
31.Spinkle of Fun32.@32mari
33.Ashley Petite34.@AshleyPetite
37.2 girl phototique38.2 Girl Phototique
39.The Family Chaffins40.@MistyDC29
41.Foggy Morning Sundries42.The Black Sheep Dances
43.@blacksheepdance44.Amy Henry
45.theresa sheridan designs46.Theresa Sheridan Designs
47.@TheresaSheridan48.Dolly Outfitters
49.@DollyOutfitters50.Dolly Outfitters
51.Let's Win!52.The Ultimate Gift Guide
53.@GiftGuideGirl54.Lucy Montgomery
55.BOLD eZine56.BOLD eZine for people who love Blogs
57.@LyndaCoker58.Books R Us
59.@Ginger_High60.Books R Us
61.Mom to Bed by 862.@momtobedby8
63.Mom to Bed by 864.Menopausal New Mom
65.FADE INTO FANTASY66.Prime Beauty
67.BECOMING HOMEGROWN68.Guide to Smart Shopping
69.Grandma Sez So70.Grandma Sez So
71.@GrandmaSezSo72.The Type A Housewife
75.VivoBello76.Smile A Day Giveaways
77.The Type A Housewife78.@ohkeeka
79.@TheBaubleBath80.Bauble Bath
81.Bauble Bath82.The Clothspring
83.SAHM's Crazy Life!84.SAHM's Crazy Life
85.@randi320886.Diary of a Chic Mommy
87.Diary of a Chic Mommy88.@AChicMommy
89.Contest Patti90.The World of Contest Patti
91.@contestpatti92.hello, whimsy!
93.hello, whimsy!94.@Hello_Whimsy
95.Family Approve96.Kidpack05..Momma of Many
97.@kidpack0598.Sharing Savings with You
99.@sharingnsaving100.Sharing Savings
101.I'm No Prima Donna

103.Life with five monkies104.Short on Cents
105.@ShortOnCents106.Short On Cents
107.Sarah's Blog of Fun108.@SarahsBlogOfFun
109.Sarah's Blog of Fun

113.Five Monkies Review114.Coupons & Freebies GALORE
115.Coupons and Freebies Galore116.@CouFreeGal
117.Do Good118.@BeTheChangeBook
119.Be the Change Bookclub120.Personalized Creations
121.@tammy1999122.Personalized Creations Bangles Beads Bows
123.Screaming Mimi124.Native & Pilgrim <3
125.studioahimsa <3126.@BeckyWillis
129.The Pilot's Wife130.The Pilot's Wife
131.Belly Charms132.Belly Charms
133.@BellyCharms134.The Lunchbox Guru
135.Whimsical Wonderings136.Juanita McLellan, Writer
137.Keeping it Social - Social Media Marketing138.Keeping it Social
139.@K_I_Social140.Green Gracie Home
141.Green Gracie Home <3142.Green Gracie Home
145.Marias Scraps146.@MariaS_scraps
147.@WiCProject148.The WiC project
149.The WIC Project150.Crunchy VT Mommy
151.Crunchy VT Mommy152.@CrunchyVTMommy
153.Baby Gator's Den154.Baby Gator's Den
155.@RiGatorMom156.Me as a Mommy
157.@measamommy158.Me as a Mommy
159.baby dickey160.baby dickey
161.@babydickey162.Kelly's Lucky You!
163.@KellysLuckyYou164.Kelly's Lucky You
165.june cleaver nirvana166.June Cleaver Nirvana
167.@Texasholly168.Shari Criso
169.Shari Crisco170.@sharicriso
171.Coupon Contessa172.Coupon Contessa
173.Mother of Pearl It Is174.Keeping up with the Rheinlanders
175.@MSRheinlander176.Keeping Up With The Rheinlanders
177.Wild Blueberry Ink178.@WildBlueberryInk
179.Wild Blueberry Ink180.Owl Tree Studio
181.@owltreestudio182.Owl Tree Studio
183.Upsy Daisy Creations184.@_UpsyDaisy_
185.Double Duty Mommy186.Double Duty Mommy
187.@mommaJWoww19188.She's Mommafied!
189.@LyssLovingLyla190.She's Mommafied
191.BonBon Rose Girls192.BonBon Rose Girls
195.Ma21cuteboy196.Snips and Snails DESIGNS
197.Snips and Snails Designs198.{Mom of 3 dolls}
199.@momof3dolls200.Mom of 3 Dolls
201.FOUR LITTLE PIXELS202.Four Little Pixels Designs
203.Coupons Equal Cash204.Coupons Equal Cash
205.@CouponsEqulCash206.Frugal Plus
207.@frugalplus208.Frugal Plus
211.Eyeinspire LLC212.Proverbs 31 Mommy and Wife
213.Proverbs 31 Mommy & Wife214.@tinymansmom
215.everyday ramblings of my life216.Family and Life in Las Vegas
217.Free Sample Momma218.Fun Being Frugal
219.Gina's Kokopelli220.Green with Envy Studios <3
221.It's ALL good in Mommyhood222.Libby's Library
223.Luxury Living Frugal Style224.Mahalo <3
225.Pet Blogs United226.reNEWed totes <3
227.Saveatunities228.Sunshine Praises
229.Tara's View of the World230.The Crave to Save!
231.the Savvy Mom's Guide232.The Meditative Mom
233.Vinyl Signs 4 Him <3234.Theresa Sheridan Designs
235.Bear Haven Boutique236.Bear Haven Boutique
237.Bear Haven Mama's Tales238.@ilovebearhaven
239.Starlux Jewelry240.Starlux Jewelry <3
241.An Inquiring Mind242.Totally Temberton
243.Totally Temberton244.@TotallyTember
245.Wendy Darling Ltd.246.Owl Tree Studio (join the mailing list)
247.Get 2 Scrappin'248.@Get2Scrappin
249.Get 2 Scrappin'250.Two Peas in a Pie
251.@twopeasinapie252.Getting the Grocery Bill Low
253.@MapleLeafMommy254.Maple Leaf Mommy
255.Maple Leaf Mommy256.Gabs - Art
257.Shoppin' QUEEN258.@geekbabe
259.The Shoppin' Queen260.Single Mama in L.A.
261.@SassyScorpYM262.Single Mama in L.A.
263.BRIGHT MORNING STAR264.Bright Morning Star
267.have a heart . org268.Barbara's Beat
269.Barbara Platt270.Barbara's Beat
271.@blp3272.Mama's a Mess!
273.Happy Hapa <3274.Happy Hapa
275.Ohayo Bento!276.Life, Laughter & Music
277.Wicked Lovely Things278.Women Who Win
279.@womenwwin280.Guide to Smart Shopping
283.31 Gifts by Tara Leininger284.wow we can!
285.A Gal Needs...286.@melahelen
287.@amotherofpearl288.Mother of Pearl It Is


won said... 1

Sent you an email. Please check it out...thanks.

The Pilot's Wife said... 2

Well, I guess I will look at this as a blog hop hop then... One that I paid $40 for, but that's ok. Let's just call it the Poo on Parker Blog Hop!!!

Anna, The Pilot's Wife

***Sharon*** said... 3

@Won - that is FANTASTIC! I will definitely take the time to go through them and "like" or "follow!" Might take me awhile but I'll do it to show support!

"Poo on Parker...." LOL!!!

***Sharon*** said... 4

Steph - please take note of #102

The Pilot's Wife said... 5

Here's a thought, even if you are already following a blog, leave a comment as a show of support! I am getting started today!

Anna, The Pilot's Wife

***Sharon*** said... 6

Anna - great idea!

***Sharon*** said... 7

Leaving comments you could say, "In support of the Blog Hop Flop...." LOL!

Coupons Equal Cash said... 8

LOL Sharon. Thanks for posting the list. That is a lot of people who got scammed.

Farmhouse Fixers said... 9

Thanks for all your help in trying to resolve this! I am so sorry that you got scammed and so publicly! No hard feelings from my camp. You are doing an awesome job trying to make up for it!!!

SassyScorp said... 10

Thanks for this! Oh well... another hop, hopefully we all gain some followers and redeem our faith in the blogging community some.

***Sharon*** said... 11

Just filed a dispute with PayPal. Will let you know if I hear anything.

Unknown said... 12

Thanks for letting me know about this.

I wrote up a quick post and hope everyone else does, too. And EVERYONE should go to PayPal's resolution center ASAP to open a case. You never know when/if that account will dry up. I'm imagining that they'll freeze the account if enough people file cases.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said... 13

Guess I need to look into contacting Paypal. What a bummer!

Chacoy said... 14
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chacoy said... 15

I know this is hard on everyone who has not only paid but participated by following, liking, tweeting, and the like but it is such a hard thing to explain when we have no answers ourselves.
I just have to keep reminding myself that we can't give up on the excellent bloggers because of one BAD apple, yeah she could have spoiled the good ones in the meantime but she didn't and we are a group of strong women who stick together through the good times and the bad!
I will definately be following, liking and hearting my little(okay big butt)off but I will do it with pride knowing that we tried to do something fun not only for us but for our followers and while I do feel horrible that I don't have a prize for the ones that did follow, like etc. but I also want them to know that we aren't just going to give up on them and turn the other cheek!
Good luck to all of you and I hope that we all gain more loyal fabulous friends along the way!

Thanks for the heads up on the button, I had no way of taking it down as I have been out of town visiting my brother who just had eye surgery but I did want it down ASAP!

Becky W said... 16

Oh thank you so much!! I had been diligently working on this list the past 2 days-and was going to make a copy of it and didn't...so very cool. I figure no one will "win" the $1000 BUT everyone will be winners that get followed, added, liked etc. I am working on an addition to my site: this is the .com http://www.whatutalkingboutwillis.com there I am putting everyone's buttons that I can get to work from the list...It will take me some time-but if anyone I haven't put on would like to be added-just shoot me an email! (askbeckyw@gmail.com)

Anonymous said... 17

Hi-thanks for stopping by -I'm your newest follower! I like the blog hop or just leave a nice comment suggestion the best.

Texasholly said... 18

I am going to work through the list. Hopefully we can all get what we wanted...a few more people to stop by and follow.

All is NOT lost!!!

MariaS said... 19

There is strength in numbers. Let's show GINA PARKER that she can try to scam us but she can't defeat us! We will fight back by escalating to claim at PayPal and we will FOLLOW these lovely bloggers!
I'm in!!!!

Jill said... 20

OMG! I've had issues w/my server the past couple days and just get access to my blog and find out this!

What a terrible, no-good thing to do not only to all of us but especially you :(

I will try to get to everyone listed and show my support.

((HUGS)) to ALL ♥

kiwimeg said... 21

Good on you for making the best of a crap situation.

Being Tazim said... 22

love this idea of following those on this list! Will be working on it!

Retail Therapy Lounge said... 23

Hey - Wow, sorry this happened! I just wrote a quick post on it referencing the list of bloggers - so hopefully that will help those involved get some exposure in a positive way.



Kite Koop Keeper said... 24

What if each person on the list give you a couple of bucks and make it a giveaway? I am willing - even $5?

Valerie @ A Nation of Moms

Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies said... 25

Thanks for posting this. I'm definitely going to try to work my way through this list over the next few weeks (I'm on here too--The Type A Housewife). I am still in shock! And also, I just wanted to add, why the heck would you delete your blog, email address, Twitter account, etc. because your mom got sick? I've had health and family crises too, but it never occurred to me that I should delete every trace of myself from the internet when they come up. :P So, clearly, that's all just BS.

Anonymous said... 26

Thank you so much!!! I am going to post this link with my blog post. I am just so mad right now.

MMAR said... 27

Working my way through the list!! As Meno Deb stated to me... "if we all support each other then this will be a BIG success regardless!!"

Mari said... 28

wow, thankx!

Lynda Coker said... 29

BOLD will be trying to complete the list in the next few weeks in support of "How Sweet It Isn't". What's not to love about making more friends and supporting other bloggers. We've completed blogs through 102 at this time, so if your number 103 and up, look for us to visit your links soon. :)

"Iowa Mom" said... 30

I will get to work on this list now. This is a tragic mess and yes we are on this list too and lost out. I cannot believe anyone would be so ugh!

Lori said... 31

Wow - I am just learning about this from someone commenting on my blog. I'm glad I only paid $10 to get my links in because of a "sale" at Christmas time. I have to say. With the visits I've gotten it's worth it. But, am sad that it came to this.

Laura J Harrison said... 32

I am number 69, 70, and 71. I just discovered this in an email. I had no idea I was ripped off. I think criminal charges should be brought against Gina Parker. She got off with enough money that it is grand larceny. I'm no lawyer but this just isn't right.
I actually had to get $20 from my husband to put in my bank to put in the paypal account to pay this witch.
I feel sick to my gut thinking there are people out there like this.
Crap. I'm in another one like this too. I trust the blogs leading it though.

The Pilot's Wife said... 33

I filed a claim with paypal and I got this today, I paid $40, $20 twice for 2 diferent sets of sites, I pasted the first email below, I received a second one too! I highly recommend that EVERYONE do the same! Can you message people that paypal will act on your behalf to recover your money...

Anna, The Pilot's Wife

We have concluded our investigation into your case and have decided in your

We were able to recover $20.00 USD and this amount has been credited to
you. Please allow five business days for this adjustment to be posted.

If you are due any additional funds, we will make our best effort to
recover the balance from the seller.

If the seller's account has insufficient funds to complete the refund owed
to you, please be assured that we will take appropriate action against the
seller's account, which may include limitation of the seller's account

Miriam T. said... 34

Just received my email from PayPal as well. They decided in my favor! WOOT. Three cheers to PayPal!

Bridget said... 35

I got my money back from Paypal!! I honestly can't believe it!

Zoë said... 36

Great list! Thank you for sharing it! I'll be sure to follow some of these amazing bloggers because that was the point of the "contest."

Unknown said... 37

I got my PayPal refund today. I too recommend that everyone that took part apply for a refund!

Anonymous said... 38

I filed for a dispute and hope to get a refund. So do they take money out of her pay pal for the refund? Anyone know? When I get some time I need to pay visits to everyone on the list!



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