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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yes, Another New Lunch Box - Yubo Lunchbox

 Side A

Side B

A few weeks ago I came across Mamapedia and their "Sweet Deals". If your familiar with The Daily Save or Living Social Deals, Mamapedia Sweet Deals is like that. I saw they were having an awesome deal on Yubo lunchboxes, pay $15 and get $30 Gift Cert...sweet! I had never heard of Yubo so of course I had to check it out. I was very impressed and had to buy the offer right away. Apparently like bento boxes, I can not collect enough lunch boxes...lol

I bought the Deluxe Lunchbox and C chose the "Peace" face plates. I love this lunchbox! Not only is it wicked cute but I love the 3 separate containers and the ice pack. In hindsight I should have bought the drink holder but I can always get it later when I buy M her own. This box is not bulky, it's actually very slim and super easy to open and close for the girls. Plus the handle is soft and flexible which makes it comfortable to carry around.

For C's lunch she had baby carrots and apples in each of the small round containers and in the larger container she had a PB&J sami, veggie straws and gingerbread men cookies. I should have taken pics of the containers open like I usually do, but trust me, you can pack a lot of food. So for my bento peeps and lunchbox addicts pop over to Yubo and check them out!


Missy said... 1

I've seen these before and LOVE the idea of the 3 separate containers. Thanks for the review!

***Sharon*** said... 2

DANG IT! I saw your FB post on it. I should've investigated. Ridiculously KAWAII!

Veronica Lee said... 3

Very cool lunchbox. Love the peace sign.

Happy Friday, sweetie!

tata | bonitafood said... 4

Love the lid! So colorful and kawaii :D

Carma Sez said... 5

what a great deal - I was getting Mamapedia emails in my spam box and couldn't remember when or where I signed up


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