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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saturday Bentos & More Dogs

C's Lunch
PB & Nutella sami's, grapes, red bell pepper strips, 
broccoli, carrots flowers and mini yellow tomatoes.

M's Lunch
PB & Nutella sami's, grapes, bell pepper strips, 
sliced strip cheese, carrot flowers and Wheat Thin crackers.

Mommy's Lunch
Vegetable/Tofu Pad Thai, cheese birds,
marinated English cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots.

We spent another awesome overcast morning at Dog Beach in OB. We arrived even earlier than we did on Friday and the parking lot was already filling up. Meet some of our new furry friends.

- Buster -
Buster and his owner where heading back to the car when the energy of Sookie crossed their path. Poor Buster's owner had no choice but to let him of leash to play because Sookie wasn't giving up. They had the best time but a once clean Buster by the end was covered head to tail in sand. Buster at almost twice Sookie's size and only a year old was the most gentle of beasts and absolutely gorgeous!

- Sammy -
The cutest puppy I have ever seen on the beach. She was only as big as a piglet but so adorable running around with her floppy paws. She is absolutely stunning.

I do not know this big boys name but I have seen him before. Once he had taken possession of a rather large log and anyone, man or beast, that came too close was chased away. However yesterday it was his Frisbee he stood guard over. Just love that face!

- The Gentle Giant -
This old girl was so sweet. Out of no where this beautiful Mastiff came walking up and just wanted to love on C. Her owner had told me her name but I was too distracted by the way in which her and C kept looking at each other, like they saw each others soul. I hope to see her again very soon.


Happy Little Bento said... 1

Love those doggie portraits! And those sandwich stamps are so cool!

Veronica Lee said... 2

I can't decide which ones I love better - the doggies or the sandwiches!!

They are all so cool, Steph!

Susan Yuen said... 3

Cute bentos and the mommy bento looks delish! I love pad thai. Love the pics of the doggies!

Yumi's Blog said... 4

So cool gift ideas! Thanks for sharing this post. I've got an idea. I enjoyed reading it. Keep posting.

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