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Friday, September 17, 2010

Mommy Bento #15

I love leftover meat loaf sami's so trying to figure out what to have for lunch today was very easy. With my super delish sami I have strawberries, a sliced pluot, orange cauliflower, broccoli, english cucumber flowers and in my little pink peek a boo cup is dressing for my veggies. Isn't the little cup so cute! I bought them just because they were adorable and today decided to use one...love it!

Thank you everyone for commenting on last nights post. Nice to know it's not just my family that thinks about food in that way...lol We are so close to 1000 followers I am just in awe of all you awesome peeps. Thank you for making me so loved and special on a daily basis. I still plan on having a Giveaway when we hit 1000 so today I stopped by Marukai to do some shopping but found the shelves to be pretty well picked through. They said they hope to be restocked this weekend so you know i'll be there shopping on Monday  ^_^


Happy Little Bento said... 1

Even more delish the second time around! Yummy bento!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 2

Goodness, that looks delicious!

Shannon said... 3

Love it! I just sliced a pluot and made cucumber flowers for Faith about 3 minutes ago!

OhayoBento said... 4

That looks so good, my mouth is watering! I like meatloaf sammies too. :)

Susan Yuen said... 5

Gorgeous bento! Love all of the wonderful colors and meatloaf sammies are awesome!

Veronica Lee said... 6

Only 2 more to hit 1000! I'm so excited for you, Steph!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

My Mad World said... 7

I'm your 1,000 follower!! lol
Found you from Two Bears Farms and thought I would check you out. I am just hearing about the bento's but they are so cute!!


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