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Friday, September 10, 2010

DIY Light Tent - Photography

A month or so back Muffin Tin Mom and I were talking about light boxes and how we wanted a more finished professional look on our food pictures. She said she heard they were easy to make which intrigued me because the only ones I ever saw were professional ones being used in a Food Network show. Could they really be that easy? Yes, yes they can!

I searched Google and came across an awesome site called Digital Photography School. Score! There they had a step by step tutorial "How To Make An Inexpensive Light Tent -DIY", this was just what I was looking for. So I bookmarked it and vowed that after things settled, vacation was done, girls in school, ect..I would attempt this project. So yesterday I finally started. I could have had it finished last night but needed to buy more poster board. After we took Sookie to the beach M and I ran over to Target and came back with more board...next thing I knew...DONE!

I am so excited. The tutorial was fantastic and no hidden problems, it all went very smoothly. The only problem I had now was what was I going to shoot? Being too impatient to wait until I made a bento tomorrow.. I went searching my house. I then remember these adorable chick cups I bought the last time I was at  Marukai. There so cute and I had yet to share my find with you...so there we go.

Here is the little chick all pretty in the tent...

..smile for the camera!

Using this tent will also help me explore different features of my camera I have yet to use. Can't wait to play around with different color backgrounds, prints and textures inside as well. Who knew when you grew up playing with cardboard boxes and glue would still make you so happy...lol


***Sharon*** said... 1

Thank you for doing my homework for me. I was looking at the tents awhile back too and just couldn't justify spending that much money for my BLOG that I barely blog on anyways! I figured there had to be a way to DIY. TADA! :)

Be Brave, Keep Going said... 2

Okay, it's settled then. I must make one.

Kelly Polizzi said... 3

I might actually have to try this! I always want my pics to look more polished too but thought it was just my poor camera skills. Maybe it's both! Anyhow, thank you for sharing this and the link.

Shannon said... 4

And now I have a project for tomorrow! Thanks girl, can't wait to try it! I actually have a DSLR, I just rarely use it.


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