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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Help a Blogging Buddy Out.

So I was visiting Night Owl Mama and saw her post about Jess at So Stylilized is trying to build up her online blog design business and is offering free blog makeovers to Twitter Mom members. I have been wanting and makeover for awhile, something more personal and just for me, but alas it's hard to find and justify the funds. However this may be my shot *fingers and toes crossed*. If you are a member of Twitter Moms pop on over to this post, and if not you should join, it's a great group.

So help a blogging buddy out and keep your fingers and toes crossed I will be one of the pepps picked for a new look for 2010!



jaz@octoberfarm said...

hi...stopped over from sits. what a good network for all of us to find each other. i will sign on to follow!

Michelle Pixie said...

Good Luck!!

mudmama said...

Good luck! Thanks for letting me know abt that group :)

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

I hope you get it. A new look can be so refreshing. I just re-designed my layout and template yesterday. I was up late and still have a little tweaking to do. It would have been nice to have someone do it for me....someone who knows what they are doing!


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