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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy 2010!!!

I know I am a few days late on welcoming in the New Year but it has taken me a few days to recover...lol. We didn't do anything huge, just had a couple friends over, played poker, Wii and ate a lot. It has been a while since hubby and I actually had an adult New Years...away from the kids, hopefully next year. In the mean time this was actually the first New Years in a few years that hubby and I got to actually spend it together so that was nice.

All over the news New Years Day all I heard was talk of "resolutions". It is so interesting that it's always the same stuff they talk about every year....weight loss, eating better, getting out of debt, finding a mate. Obviously we as a whole do not keep our resolutions otherwise the list wouldn't be the same year after year.  I do not make resolutions, I know I will not follow through and I am the first to admit it. I hate to disappoint myself, so I will not commit to something I know I will fail in the long run. It kinda sounds like I am being hard on myself, or putting myself down...but no...I am a realist..lol. I do applaud those that stick to their resolutions. I have a few friends that actually make a resolution every year and stick to it, I envy them. The fact that they can say "I am going to do xyz this year..." and never waver...it is inspiring.

I know last year was not only hard for myself but for so many others. So this year my wish is for all of us to have a happier year full of prosperity, love and amazing friendships.



Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a fun New Year's Eve Poker and Wii are always good times.

I like your wish and hope you have a wonderful New Year as well. Happy 2010!

schmoo said...

”La mulți ani!” for you, from Romania. This means that I wish for you to live many years :D

Pesky Cat Designs said...

Happy New Year to you and your family!

Katrina said...

2009 was definitely a rough year. Good riddance and bring on 2010!! :)

Happy New Year. I'm glad you were able to spend it with your husband.

Stopping by from SITS.

Debbie said...

We just got a Wii for Christmas and I love it!
Happy New Year. Dropped by from SITS.

Shaunell said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by from SITS! I love your music!

***Sharon*** said...

Happy New Year Steph!

I'm not making any resolutions either. Instead I have created a theme for the year. This year it is "getting rid of excess baggage" which includes poundage (lol), material things, and people (if you know what I mean!)

Wishing you and your awesome family a great new year!

Crafty Girls Workshop said...

Happy belated New Year too! Your blog is cute (if you'd like some help revamping it, for free, just drop me a line.) Your Etsy store looks awesome. What adorable dresses! Have a great Saturday! I'm on SITS too, by the way.



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