"SquigglyTwigs is a pattern design company specializing in quick and easy, yet stylish, patterns for moms with lots to do. SquigglyTwigs Designs' name was inspired by Debbie's daughter who is lovingly twiggy in shape, with very curly hair and a personality easily described by the word squiggly. Without her created just as she is, the need to create clothing and patterns wouldn't exist and neither would SquigglyTwigs."
SquigglyTwigs has several fun designs that are reasonably priced. From dresses to skirts and pants they are great easy patterns even for beginners. Debbie let me review the Twirl Quilt Jumper. I was very excited because I have seen similar patchwork type of dresses and I always wanted to make one.
One of the best parts about this dress is that you can make it entirely from craps fabrics. I went through one of my bins of scraps and found several prints and colors that I thought would meld great together once the dress was complete. In the instructions Debbie makes mention that you can use Charm Packs instead of cutting out all the 5" squares, I think this is a fantastic idea especially if you want the dress to be coordinated.
The pattern is simple, only 12 pages of instructions and the rest is the bodice patterns in various sizes. Once my squares were all cut the construction was quick and this dress could be done in a day. I like how she used ribbon for the trim on the bodice and around the arms up to tying in a bow at each shoulder. Of course you can also use bias tape just as easy. What I have not seen yet in any other patterns that I liked about this one, is that it instructs you to gather the bodice top edge front and back which then leaves a ruffled or scalloped look, very creative.
I had fun doing this dress and plan on making M one soon. Next time I think I will go find a really cute Charm Pack instead of cutting my own squares.

I've been wanting to make a patchwork dress as well! Super cute! (C looks like such a big girl!)
oh my goodness, that dress is out of control cute. I seriously need to learn to sew, so I can make one for Kya!!
just lovely!!
my girls would not get out of that one!!
It's adorable. Thanks for the review. Please add a photo to the SquigglyTwigs in Action Flickr group. You can link up from our blog page @ http://www.squigglytwigs.blogspot.com
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