So I would like to ask my fellow mommies and blogging buddies if anyone would like to join my "crew". I need 6 other mommies that would like to participate in this. It needs not be expensive and if your a scrapbooker it can even be from your own stock. How easy is that!
So if you are interested in this please leave a comment and I will get in touch with you. If you would like more information on how it works please visit Sharon at Mama's A Mess.
Thanks everyone!

You know, I only had four volunteers. I'm still needing two more! I think the people that sign up with you will be the one to actually send K stickers! Hopefully people will follow through! :)
I'm a bit confused about how this works, but I'd really like to take part.
I would LOVE to participate!! So, just email me and let me know where to go from here and I'm in!!
Susana @ Our Homeschool Fun
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