Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search
Stephanie needs some help. Look at those pants! Should have stayed on the sidewalk! (I'm not sure I like the turn this has taken.)
Type in "[your name] looks like" in the Google search
Stephanie looks like she's been rode hard and put away wet. ... Stephanie looks like she has too much mileage out behind the Kappa House ...
Type in "[your name] wants" in the Google search
Stephanie wants to be President or CE O of Jackie M. If Jackie is smart she will let her
Type in "[your name] does" in the Google search
Stephanie does CAKE in fake Brazilian accent
Type in "[your name] hates" in the Google search
Stephanie hates people
Type in "[your name] asks" in the Google search
Stephanie asks Tom if he would mind appearing in his underpants in a movie again
Type in "[your name] likes" in the Google search
Stephanie likes to place hidden messages in her artwork
Type in "[your name] eats" in the Google search
Stephanie eats some testicle--and that's no April Fool.
Type in "[your name] wears" in the Google search
Stephanie wears men's underwear in public
Type in "[your name] was arrested for" in the Google search
"Stephanie was arrested while in her house playing bongos naked"
Type in "[your name] loves" in the Google search
Stephanie loves this ginger beer because a) it's actually beer, and b) it's perfect for showing off your mussels.

It's YOUR HOUSE. You should be able to play bongos naked if you want to!!! LOL
I've done this one before...it is TOOOOO FUNNY! (And I remember mine being pretty "bad" too!)
Too funny!!
so funny! i love that you hate people and play bongos nakee! LOL
i might have to try this.
Super funny!
I was going to do it and then I read Michelle looks like "a cross between a hooker and a porn satr!" ack! hope not! hahahaha!
That sounds pretty darn funny, I might have to give that a try myself! Happy SITS day to you!
How funny! I've never tried anything like that. Stopping by from SITS. Congratulations on your SITS day!
over sits!!!!It's great to meet you!!
I got, 'Sharon needs to be told to stop shooting and start talking'.
Then I got, 'Sharon eats Big Macs through a straw' and, 'Sharon eats babies'.
This is Hilarious!!! I'm going to have to do this!!
Enjoy your SITS Day!!
I have done this for 'Lucy likes to'...must try some of the others!! I tried 'Lucy doesn't like' as well.
Among other things I got: 'Just about housebroken, Lucy doesn't like to be in a crate.'
I've done this and it always ends up so funny!!
This is great! I'm going to try it!
You can find the weirdest stuff on the internet! Those results were hilarious!
This is funny....
my first one :Annie need a spanking (WHAT?!?!)
second: Annie looks awesome (um TOTALLY!!)
Congrats on your SITS day :)
I posted a few weeks ago on "Kim's Needs" according to Google. It is quite funny.
Happy SITS day!
Okay...I did one and I got:
Christine likes to dance
I figured I'd better stop while I was ahead....LMAO.
That's awesome! I did a variation of it on my blog (or maybe Facebook??) a while ago... I think I laughed about it for days! :)
Happy SITS day!!
That's awesome! You got some great ones. I got (my name) likes to yell ELMO WORLD into her microphone. Hmmm, I do love karaoke!
I've got to try this! happy SITS day!
Jessica eats a live octopus, Jessica hates work, and Jessica wears the unitard (it seriously says "the" there). I think not!
Happy SITs. Too funny!
That's really funny! Will have to have a go!
This is a hilariously good idea!
Ok, now I gotta try this....LOL.
Funny! I may have to try this!
Too fun! Stopping in from SITS on your day...How fun! You have an etsy shop too? How kewl is that?
I like the google name thingy. That sounds like fun. I'll have to do it sometime...
So funny! I've done the "your name" needs before but never thought about the others. Obviously I'm going to try it out!
This is funny, I'm not gunna lie. I think I'll try it.
That's too funny! I have done that before and the things Google spits out are hilarious!
This looks fun! I'm gonna have to try it myself some time!
Hahaha! That is too funny. I should try that for my name!
Happy SITS day!
Oh, my gosh! I'm laughing so hard, especially at Stephanie eats...
Those are funny. I'm going to have to try it.
i totally want to try this. my name is kallay. everything is going to be in hungarian. hm... must learn hungarian. happy sits day!
OMG!!! Too funny! I tried it with just a couple:
Nicole Hates Her Boobs, Disses Big-Busted Women - I have a feeling we'll be hearing a lot more from her from now on.
Nicole likes guys who look like they have no blood in em.
Nicole wants bigger boobs and has a canny plan up her sleeve for how to get them.
Nicole wears Sautoir at 80th Academy Awards - An extraordinary rough and polished diamond sautoir.
Apparently I really hate my boobs and just might be famous.
Happy SITS Day!!!
happy SITS day funny lady! and love to see someone who still knows how to sew (its almost a lost art!)
oh man too funny! What a great way to end your SITS day....I'll be playing along and posting mine tomorrow! :)
He he! I love this! I got "Sherri needs her mouth taped shut"
Very funny - I will have to try some for myself!!
I have done this on Facebook. It is funny and easy!
Holly @ 504 Main
Too funny!
Never done this version before. I'll have to try it. Happy SITS Day!
What a funny little game!
Happy SITS feature day!
Hahahaha, this is AWESOME!
Congrats, again, on your SITS Day! :)
Rocky Mountain Oysters? Really? EEEK!
i've done this before but with a different question hehehe
I only did the first two so far... apparently I need surgery and I look like a guy (which I guess would explain the need for surgery!) Love this!
That's a new one to me. What fun! I'll give it a try!
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